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Home: About Me

Our Story

Fortuna-Tyche found itself in the Greek and Roman mythologies as the goddess of fortune and healing. Our story started with the inspiration from the Nemrut Mountain, and from the Fortuna-Tyche statue on that mountain. 


Our aim is healing healthcare services reaching the patients by using our strong network and experience both in entrepreneurship and healthcare. In this way, we reflect the name of Fortuna-Tyche, the goddess of healing and fortune.


About Us

Why, How, What

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Healthcare services and technology are changing rapidly. Corporations need to adopt these changes if they want to protect their leading position in healthcare and provide the best service to the patients. However, innovation is the entrepreneurs' strong part, not large health corporations.

We believe the importance of the creating a bridge between healthcare and entrepreneurship.

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We utilize an innovative and data-driven approach called 'Nem-Root Healing' inspired by the bedside manner of doctors. Nem-Root Healing is the context where we unite our strong experience and network BOTH in healthcare and entrepreneurship.

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Fortuna Healing Innovations is a  boutique consultancy firm specialized for healthcare and work for creative problem solving and corporate innovation. 


We unite:
creativity of youth with experience of experts
deep knowledge of healthcare with innovation and entrepreneurship.

Healer Network

Fortuna Healing believes that anyone using his/her talent to improve the world is a healer. Medical Doctors are the clinical healers and the key components of our healer network. 


With our multidisciplinary healer network and partners, we are creating a Fortuna Healthcare Innovation Ecosystem  

In the big picture we are aiming for an expert community working to improve health services. The current community consists mostly of healthcare experts with deep knowledge in their field.


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Home: Services

Nem-Root Healing

This approach takes its name from the Nemrut Mountain where our founder was inspired to develop this approach and found Fortuna Healing.


Nem-Root Healing is our unique innovation process inspired by the doctor's bedside manner. It is an old approach to doctor-patient relationship which allows correct diagnosis and treatment. Doctors who master the bedside manner are considered an ace.

There is a famous analogy between an organization or a company and a human body. If one considers the organization as human body, departments would be the organs. As a team rooted in medicine we know how to treat you, better your company welfare and manage your growth.


We are providing an effective innovative approach in order to improve your services, manage your healthy growth and profit increase.


The short summary of Nem-Root Healing is in the following,


Healthcare Innovation Camp

Healthcare Innovation Camp is an accelerated learning program that can be adjusted for your institution. There are two core components of the training called trends and workshops.


Trends aims to create awareness and inspiration about the latest developments in health care, around the globe. Different fields and their intreaction with healthcare, and how healthcare can get benefited from these fields. Such as:

  • Blockchain                                            

  • Genom analysis and Health Data

  • Artificial Intelligence                        

  • Art and Health                                      

  • VR and Health                                       


We have a diverse healer expert network on each field including medical doctors, where they will give lectures on these topics.



The aim of the innovation workshop is to provide an experimental learning enviroment where participants gain innovation skills. Workshops enable participants to utilize the information they gain during lectures and to impelement the information at innovation workshops. The vision here is to create a sustainable innovative environment in health care where the participants will be able to wage the innovations. Workshops are a combination of both medical and entrepreneurial resource of innovation and can be spesified for your needs. 

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Home: Testimonials

Sevval Karadag
Koç University Faculty of Medicine

Harvard-MIT Healthcare Innovation Program

Entrepreneurship Foundation Alumni


IE University-Entrepreneurship Program 

Marble Surface

Advisory Board

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Mehru Aygül

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Entrepreneurship Foundation


General Manager

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Prof.Dr. Melih Bulut

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Pediatric Surgeon, Healthcare Manager

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Gürkan Caglıoglu

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MLP Care 


Chief Information Officer

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Ismail Hakkı Polat

  • LinkedIn - Siyah Çember

Digital Transformation Consultant,

Cryptocurrency Expert

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Our partners

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Fortuna Healing Innovations


©2019 by Fortuna Healing Innovations

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